Yellowstone Tartan Blanket

Availability: In stock
  • Yellowstone Tartan Blanket
  • Custom blanket made exclusively for Yellowstone
  • Tartan is officially registered with the Scottish Register of Tartans
  • Made using natural merino wool,  produced by sheep consuming a simple blend of natural ingredients including sunshine, water, fresh air, and grass, making the wool sustainable and environmentally safe
  • 60" W x 67" L without fringe.  3" fringe on each side, overall 73" in total length
  • Imported
  • The colors of the Yellowstone National Park tartan are inspired by a photo of Old Faithful Inn with Old Faithful Geyser in the foreground.  White, green, yellow, brown, and blue represent many of the park’s plentiful and abundant features: lush forests, peaceful lakes and rivers, deep canyons, and gushing geysers.  Yellowstone was established on March 1, 1872, which is represented by a unique thread count of 03-01-18-72.
    White represents eruptions of Old Faithful Geyser.  Approximately every 90 minutes, Old Faithful shoots 3,700 to 8,400 US gallons of water nearly 185 feet into the air for 1.5 to 5 minutes. 
    Yellowstone consists of 2.2 million acres, filled with bountiful alpine meadows, grassy plains, and lush forests.  These all are portrayed by the color green, which is inspired by one the largest intact thriving ecosystems in the world.
    Yellowstone is full of gentle streams, flowing rivers, and deep lakes.  Blue represents this critical resource for renewal and regeneration within Yellowstone. 
    Yellow portrays the vibrant rhyolite rock that formed the volcanic caldera walls seen throughout the park.  The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River is also comprised primarily of rhyolite. 
    Brown represents Yellowstone’s renowned historic lodges.  Old Faithful Inn is one of the largest log structures in the world.  It was built primarily of lodgepole pine and rhyolite stone and was opened to guests in 1904.  It was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1987.